Help Grieving People

in your community

Learn how you can help

Free resource

For pastors and church leaders

8 Things Grieving People Wish Their Pastors Knew

In this free book, you'll discover what is going on in the minds of grieving people, how they often misinterpret their own responses to grief, and helpful things to say and do throughout the grief process.


GriefShare: A ministry that works

Churches can offer healing through GriefShare support groups


GriefShare is outreach-oriented

These days it’s harder and harder to get new people to churches, but GriefShare draws visitors to you. And our new online tools make it easy for your church to offer GriefShare whether people can gather at your church or not.


GriefShare is Christ-centered

GriefShare is a Christ-centered, video-based support group program. It equips lay volunteers to encourage and comfort people going through bereavement. The GriefShare materials point to Christ as the ultimate source of healing.


GriefShare is easy to host

Your lay leaders can take this ministry and run with it. They don’t need to be counselors or teachers. The GriefShare videos do the teaching for them, with insights from respected Christian pastors and counselors.


GriefShare is practical

Grieving people want to know how to manage their emotional challenges and find answers to their questions. GriefShare offers practical insights and tools to work through the grieving process.

Provide essential community support

For people facing the loss of a loved one, the resulting emotional and mental chaos can have lasting effects. A strong church support group program empowers you to extend care to people who might not otherwise engage with your church.

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Up to 33%

of grieving people suffer adverse physical or mental effects.

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Over 25%

of non-Christians seek help from a church after a life trauma.

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Over 500k

online searches by people looking for support groups each month.

Learn how you can help

Download your free ebook

GriefShare is easy to start

We make it easy for busy pastors. Simply do these three things:


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1. Identify one person to lead GriefShare.

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2. Purchase a GriefShare kit.

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3. Ask your volunteer to contact a coach.

And we’ll take it from there!

Why pastors love GriefShare

Over 20,000 churches around the world are equipped with GriefShare. Here’s what pastors have shared after using the program:

“We’ve seen the church come alive to minister to people.” Pastor, PA
“DivorceCare is easy for lay people to facilitate.” Pastor, BC
“GriefShare has relieved the counseling load.” Pastor, GA
“The materials are clear and relevant. It’s a thorough program.” Pastor, FL
“The training materials provided for leaders have proven to be spot on.” Pastor, TN
“One of the most effective, healing outreaches of our church.” Pastor, GA

Download your free ebook

Put your church on the map

We make it easy for people to find your online or in-person group


To date, millions of people have searched online to find a GriefShare support group. We make it easy for hurting people to find your GriefShare group.

Add your group to our online, Find a Group search tool and the next time someone in your community searches for a group, they’ll find your church.

“Wow, this is the way to show neighbors the love of Christ.” 

Pastor, PA

Ongoing coaching included

Your lay leaders can talk with a GriefShare ministry coach anytime (for free). They can ask questions about starting and running a group, share concerns, and learn small-group facilitation skills.

No-risk guarantee to try GriefShare

You and your lay leaders can preview the materials for 30 days. If, for some reason, you choose not to use GriefShare, we’ll gladly return the money (minus shipping costs).

Or give us a call. 
A GriefShare coach is standing by to help. 

INTL: 919-562-2112